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 098247 39348
 Air Ventilator TURBO
The ventilator is combination of both natural & forced ventilation system. It Functions as a natural ventilator when there is a difference in thermal or wind pressure between the inside and outside of the building which Forces the air to move through the opening of the ventilator. 
Industrial activity generates heat and hot air being lighter moves upwards. The lighter air get accumulated in the turbine of the  Wind Ventilator. As the hot air tries to escape from the turbine, it exerts a backwards thrust on the vanes and sets them in a rotational movement . We are well reckoned in the domain for offering an advanced range of Turbine Air Ventilators that comes with sturdy spider type frame. The range is acclaimed among the clients for its superlative quality and reliable performance. We offer this range at industry leading prices for our esteemed clients.

Ventilators utilities wind energy to rotate its vanes and as the vanes moves it starts pushing out the air filled in between the vanes because of centrifugal force, and out-side flow of air creates a low pressure zone in the inner area of ventilator. This low pressure zone will suck air from inside the shed and fresh air comes in the shed through windows or doors to take place of air which has been sucked by the ventilator. This continuous cycle of air flow leads to natural air ventilation.